
Snow Moon

Snow Moon

This will be the closest moon of the year, rising big and bright in the sky on February 19th. We will all be feeling the energetic pulls of the Moon vibrating deep into our beings opening us up to our full potential. This Super Full Moon known as the “Snow Moon” is potent falling at zero degrees of Virgo. Zero is the number of potential and limitless opportunities, the blank canvas of all creation.  

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What's love got to do with it?

What's love got to do with it?

It’s that time of year again when we are reminded to let others know we care.
Self-care is an important component to radiating positive energy and love. Taking the time to cultivate self-love is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves.
Take time to fill your cup so you can share with the ones you hold dear!
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Magical Tea

Magical Tea

A sure sign you are in a Kundalini yogi's household or in a Kundalini studio is the unforgettable smell of cinnamon, cloves, and cardamom wafting from a pot of yogi tea. This balanced chai tea has many healing properties and tastes delicious too.
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Super Blood Full Wolf Moon Eclipse

Super Blood Full Wolf Moon Eclipse

The first full moon of the year occurs January 21st (EST). In January, amid the cold and deep snows of midwinter, the wolf packs howled hungrily outside Native American villages. Thus, the villagers began calling January’s full moon the Wolf Moon. This Wolf Moon is particularly special bringing a lunar eclipse, earning it the ominous name “Super Blood Full Wolf Moon Eclipse”.
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Bringing the Inside Out

Bringing the Inside Out

Your clothing is a projection of what you think about yourself. This is what a teacher told my kundalini class one morning, and I gazed down at my pilled black leggings and pit-stained white shirt and started to wonder if perhaps, caring about clothing is not materialistic, but rather an indication of self-sovereignty.
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The Blessings of a Broken Foot

The Blessings of a Broken Foot

I was drenched in life as It healed through me, and as It reflected so much beauty in everyone around me – with support far greater than I had ever noticed before.

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Love is Love

Love is Love

Yogi Bhajan said "love is love." I love this quote, because unless you are willing to really give it some time and consideration, it could appear to be fairly silly self-evident circular logic.
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Sound Healing

Sound Healing

Because our reality exists based on different frequencies and vibrations, accessing tools that allow us to tune in to our surroundings are extremely effective and powerful. And the good news is that it is also quite simple to learn without spending lots of extra time and money.
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Q&A with a Yogi

Q&A with a Yogi

In today’s world, we spend a lot of time in the head. When we do not experience life from the heart, we cannot experience life in its totality.
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Ayurveda and Essential Oils Part 2: Doshas

Ayurveda and Essential Oils Part 2: Doshas

We can help bring the body into balance and create radiant health by pacifying the dosha(s) that are dominating. I will give a brief overview of each dosha and the essential oil blend I have created to help keep you in radiant balance.
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True Thriving

True Thriving

It's uncomfortable on so many levels, but incredibly healing and essential to do this work. It brings meaning to our lives so we can thrive. Not because our lives are perfect, but because we embrace the messiness and beauty of being human. 
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Q&A with Emotional Wellness Coach Extraordinaire

Q&A with Emotional Wellness Coach Extraordinaire

If your only method to deal with emotions is to meditate, you may notice that your emotional content just waits for you to be done meditating. You start to get this sense "I'd be fine if I could just meditate or be on retreat all the time."
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