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Why Wear White? The benefits of yogic color therapy.

Why Wear White? The benefits of yogic color therapy.

You might have heard the rule, "don't wear white after Labor Day." Kundalini Yogis happily ignore this rule along with famous trend setters such as Coco Chanel who was famous for ignoring the admonition and wore white year-round.

Inez Milholland Boissevain appears at the National American Woman Suffrage Association parade in Washington on March 3, 1913. (Library of Congress)
Inez Milholland Boissevain appears at the National American Woman Suffrage Association parade in Washington on March 3, 1913. (Library of Congress)

Women throughout history have worn white to stand up for their rights, to show what they care about, as in the Women's Suffrage March in NYC in 1915. Over 20,000 supporters marched, the leaders wearing white. In her Washington Post article from Feb 6, 2019, Marisa Lati describes the historical moment when women wore white.

Dozens of female lawmakers wore white to the State of the Union Address earlier this year as a tribute. Over the course of history, women have worn white to stand out and make their voices be heard. 

Photo by Alex Brandon

Here are some yogic reasons for ignoring that outdated rule and experiencing the power of wearing white.

Wearing white clothing expands your auric radiance by at least one foot. A strong aura gives you radiance, health, and a strong sense of self and a powerful presence. The aura acts like a shield from dense energies and also as an attractor, calling to you what is beneficial. The stronger your aura, the more you can draw in and the more confident you feel. 

Natural fiber clothing is our passion here at Sage Moon. We curate the best sustainable, earth-friendly clothing we can find from artisans and designers who bring their love for their craft to every piece they create. 

We want you to experience your 
power, grace and radiance. Wear White and feel the glow!

Shop our White Clothing Here

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