Three mantras to use every day

Three mantras to use every day

Sat Nam

Used as a greeting in the Kundalini Yoga world.
"My Essence/Identity is truth. I am Truth"
Also a powerful mantra to meditate with.
Inhale and silently repeat "Sat" and exhale "Nam". 

Wahe Guru

Used as a reminder that the divine is in charge.
Something happens that we love or that we find challenging?
Say "Wahe Guru".
Surrender to the flow of wisdom of this creation. 

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Sat Guray Nameh, Siri Guru Devay Nameh

Chant it 3 times before you start your car. It gives you a moment to pause and be present and it creates a field of protection around you. Yogi Bhajan explained it would allow you to step outside of time and react. 

Read more about these mantras on the Spirit Voyage Blog


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