Sacred Desire

Sacred Desire

What if all desires were sacred? What if we could not desire the wrong thing in the wrong way? What if we honored our heart’s longing as holy? 

I grew up believing that it is weak and materialistic to want things, to have desires. We must be satisfied with what we have, we must be content. 

Yet when I look at nature, when I look around at the world as I perceive it, everything has desires. The tree desires water and sun and for the seasons to continue, the animals desire food and shelter and we humans desire to belong, desire to love and be loved, desire to be safe, to learn, to experience happiness and purpose. How can there be anything wrong with this longing if it is part of us and we are part of the divine?

What if we honor the longing as sacred? What if each one of our desires has a place? What if the universe/Goddess/God desires us to have that exact desire at that exact moment? By us pushing it away we are saying no to life. 

What if desire is the reason we chose to be born this lifetime, because we had a desire to grow, to serve in some way, to experience ourselves as creatures filled with longings, with dreams? 

Our culture has capitalized on these desires. Knowing we are constantly filled with them, offering goods and services to temporarily quench that thirst. But it never satisfies it and maybe that is also ok. What is our ultimate desire? Is it the same for all of us or is it unique to each soul’s journey? 

I invite you to take this into your dance, into your meditation practice, into a walk in nature. What do I desire? What is my sacred dream for myself? For the world? What is being shown to me when I drop into my place of knowing. How can I turn my dream into a plan, what can I do or feel or say each day that brings me closer to that feeling and experience? 

Remember dear one, the goddess has many faces and you are one of them. 

--Nina Mongendre

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