tantric necklace with Alice dress

The Tantric Necklace Whisperer

There’s something so magical and mysterious about the Tantric Necklace.

I had said I would never try to describe it, but yet here I am. There is a unique story that goes along with each and every necklace that finds its owner from our booth, here are a couple that stand out to me.

Before we get into that let’s back up a bit and talk about our designer Sat Bachan. 

She is first and foremost the creator of the original Tantric Necklace, and also one of the most delightful women you will ever meet. She is a devotee of the Sikh faith and an accomplished practitioner of Kundalini Yoga. She and her husband, Hari Jiwan live in Española, New Mexico, not far from our beloved Ram Das Puri, where we gather every summer solstice to celebrate in community and deep practice. 

A funny phenomenon has started to happen now that I share these necklaces for Sat Bachan. I’ve been dubbed the Tantric Necklace whisperer. As amusing as I find this title, I suppose it is fitting.

As a potential owner walks into our booth the necklace with the most potent energy for the person will jump at me. Sometimes this energy is so strong that if the person doesn't take the necklace home with them, I get hit with a voltage of energy that is not exactly comfortable. I’ve always been sensitive to stones and energy, but I hadn't realized how much until this started to happen.

Two years ago, at Summer Solstice, I started helping out with the Sage Moon booth. It’s no coincidence that one of the first items I sold was a Tantric Necklace. I had personally experienced purchasing one of Sat Bachan‘s necklaces at a previous 3HO Solstice event. I happened to know the woman representing Sat Bachan that year and she was kind enough to allow me to wear the necklace during our White Tantric Yoga Course without requiring me to actually purchase it. 

Knowing how expensive these elegant necklaces were, and being completely out of my price range, as well as out of my comfort zone, I thought there was no way I was going home with this necklace. After three days of Tantric Yoga, the added energy I experienced, and the deep reluctance I felt when taking the necklace off resulted in me going home with my black and white pearl Tantric Necklace. It was worth every penny. Since my own transformative experience I have been a believer.

Sat Nam Fest East was our second festival and my first time running solo. I actually was somewhat reluctant to bring the Tantric Necklaces when creating our inventory list. The thought crossed my mind that it was the wrong crowd for this item as there wasn't any white tantric meditation during the event. I was so very wrong. 

The necklaces don’t discriminate against how long you have been practicing or if you know what White Tantric Yoga is. There were several new practitioners who sensed the power of the Tantric Necklace. 

One of my fondest moments was finding a necklace for a slightly older woman who walked into the booth. She was immediately drawn to the display of necklaces in the back corner. She asked about them, and I gave her the history and told her why I personally love them. She asked how she should pick one and I said one that calls to you; put aside your typical taste and choose. She hesitated, then asked if I could feel which one was right. I scanned the vast amount of options and there was one that had a palpable energy in comparison to the others. I careful retrieved it for her and when she put it on the energy was so overwhelming she instantly had a release of tears. I remember the shivers up and down my spine and the hair standing up on my arms. That was the moment I figured out how I could identify the right necklace for the person in front of me. The hairs still stand up on my arms and the chills are undeniable. 

There have been so many magical moments that I couldn’t possibly relay them all here but there is one more I want to share with you from this past Winter Solstice Sadhana Celebration. 

A young gentleman came in looking for a necklace. He didn’t speak to me at first and proceeded to try on several necklaces seemingly getting discouraged with each one. I watched kind of giggling to myself as he avoided the one that was calling his name. He eventually turned to me and said "I guess today isn’t the day". As he began to leave the booth I pointed to the one that was making itself known to me and said "why don’t you try this one?". He paused, looking quite perplexed and asked, “Really?” He had a moment of hesitation because it wasn’t in line with his aesthetic taste. 

This I find quite typical in the Tantric Necklace game. People always go for the ones that they like the look of, not the ones that will elevate them the most.
When he put it on we both instantly felt a wave of heat. A heat wave rush like I had never felt before. He stood there for a while completely overwhelmed by the sensations and seeming somewhat baffled. He didn’t know what to make of what just happened so he decided to put the necklace down and said he needed to think about it. 

As he left the booth, I smiled and said it would be here for him. Once he left the heat didn’t go away! It was so overwhelming for me that I had to take my sweatshirt off. I walked around talking to all my neighboring vendors questioning the weather. 

"Did it all of a sudden get hot?" It had been cold most of the day. They all looked at me oddly and confirmed it was still cold and that I was likely crazy. He came back less than 10 minutes later for his necklace, much to my delight because I was still sweating. It turns out, the sensation had not gone away for him either and it was almost as if it was calling him back.

As soon as he put the necklace back on, and stated that it was in fact going to be his, I was relieved to get my typical wave of chills and have my body temperature re-regulate. For him the intensity stayed strong which I find very normal for a new Tantric necklace experience.

These are just a snap shot of many memorable moments in time. It is my honor and pleasure to be able to share these precious Yogic tools with our community. I am blessed to be the Tantric Necklace Whisperer. 
Curious? Find me at your local Kundalini Yoga Festival 😉 or perhaps a KYTT near you!

Our next scheduled festival is Sat Nam Fest West - Come join us!! 

Browse our Tantric Necklace selection here

To stay up to date with everywhere we will be follow us on Facebook or Instagram @sagemoonliving

--Jenn Mercier aka Ong Kar Dev


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