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Nina's Weekly Finds

Nina's Weekly Finds

Hi Everyone, 

Here are 3 things that opened my heart, mind and soul this week.

This video about Family Constellations. If you haven't heard of or experienced family constellations, I highly recommend it!
Each family is a field of energy and everyone in the family needs a place. When a member is pushed out, un-recognized or shunned, it creates an imbalance. Someone in the family will identify with them and repeat the pattern in order to heal it. 
Favorite quote by Bert Hellinger, founder of family constellations: "We are all born into a common soul, into a spiritual field that we share with the members of our family. This soul reaches beyond our body and ties us deeply with all who belong to this soul."

Finished reading The Heart of the Shaman by Alberto Villoldo.
This book focuses on the dreaming and time-travel practices of the medicine men and women of the Andes and Amazon. Villoldo shares some of their time-honored teachings that emphasize the sacred dream: an ephemeral, yet powerful vision that has the potential to guide us to our purpose and show us our place in the universe. He helps us identify the 3 nightmares we live in, scarcity, safety and conditional love and break free of these to dream our world into being. 
Favorite quote: "Find what is most difficult for you to love and love it."

This video with Demi Moore and her daughters, openly sharing with each other their hurts and vulnerability, without shaming, blaming or judging each other. Also a powerful portrayal of family constellations and how patterns repeat until healed.
Favorite moment: When her older daughter says that even though her mother would tell her often "I love you", she could not feel it or believe she was lovable because her mother did not love herself. 

Please share what blew your mind, opened your heart and moved you this week!

Love to you all,



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