Why should you put away your phone when you get home?

Why should you put away your phone when you get home?

Every time we look at our phone, it takes our brains 15 minutes to be present again.

Having our phone nearby is a constant source of distraction and can be a painful source of disconnection for the humans around you, especially your children.

The signal they are getting is that something is more important and interesting than them. 

You pick up the phone and you are gone. No more eye contact, no more presence. You are distracted. 

In her life changing book Hands-Free Mama, Rachel Stafford describes a several hour wait at the doctor's office with her two daughters. It blew my mind to read about how deeply she was able to connect with her children during a time where most of us, me included, would be lost in the world wide web. 

Try it today. Put it away. 


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