Equinox Full Moon Super Combo
This is a Super Moon and a rare and powerful event with the Equinox landing on the same day. You have an opportunity, a portal through which this power comes through, to set some intentions for potent and inspired new beginnings. All those things you have been dreaming about can now be supported by the fertility of this Equinox. But be careful what you ask for. Make sure it is what you want and not someone else’s dream.
The power of this full moon will energize whatever you put into motion. It is a feminine time but supported by the masculine. A perfect combination of balance between the Sun and the Moon. So we honor both of them on this day. What do want to plant the seeds for, to give birth to, to have manifest in your life? How are you willing to take disciplined action to make it happen? What are you willing to change, give up and push through to move forward into a new landscape?
It is definitely a day to honor the Equinox and Full Moon in some ceremonial way and if you can do it with support and community, all the better.
By Lena Stevens
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