Why meditate?
Imagine the windshield of your car covered with frost, a few leaves and some snow. You can't drive. You need to clear it before you start the car.
As we move through our day, emotions, thoughts and experiences build up. Our mental lens needs to be cleared so we can drive with power and confidence.
When my 5 year old is melting down and my toddler wants to play dish-washing at the kitchen sink for the 5th time, I realize that meditation keeps me sane.
With meditation, you remove the residue, you process and integrate and then release. You gain space in you head and softness in your heart.
And it's not complicated or long. It just takes a few breaths and a few minutes of your precious time.
We love picking a card from the Kundalini Blessing Oracle Deck and practicing that meditation. It's really fun to see what the cards indicate. What do you need in the moment to be balanced and effective?
Or here is a simple and easy one you can practice anytime, anywhere.
Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Bring your attention to your breath.
In and out through the nose. Equal length inhale and exhale.
Feel the chest rise and soften.
Mentally repeat the sound "Sat" on the inhale and "Nam" on the exhale.
"Truth is who I am, I know my true nature is all knowing and joyful".
Continue until you feel the mind settle, until you can see more clearly.
Repeat daily!
Effective times to meditate are when you first wake up and before you go to sleep. Review your day, forgive yourself, forgive others, send yourself compassion and identify moments you are grateful for.
Check out our Inhale Sat Exhale Nam Poncho Top