Kundalini Yoga for Manifesting Your Dreams

Kundalini Yoga for Manifesting Your Dreams

At the core of our existential pain as humans is the belief that we are not worthy, that we do not deserve love, that we do deserve to receive and achieve what we desire. There is a fundamental difference in the way we treat others and ourselves. 


I believe it's because of the illusion of separation. We have a body and we see out into the world and feel that others are living out there. We fail to recognize that everything within and without is being processed from within. We feel that what we crave is outside as well. We seek joy and well being and since our birth, have learned that we must seek outside to satisfy the urges of hunger, thirst and comfort. 

While it is true that others can provide essential comfort and connection and that this is necessary for our wellbeing, it is as true that there is nothing we need to do to be worthy of this. We are worthy just because we are. We exist and we are worthy. There is nothing we need to be, do, prove or achieve to be worthy. 

Is that something you can feel? Is it scary? Do you feel your body shrink and constrict at this thought. Do you feel sadness, anger, maybe hopelessness? 

Take a moment to see what you desire. It could be a relationship, a state of being, an achievement. See it as clearly as you can, and imagine that you are standing behind a big glass window. Take in this vision, look at it, what does it feel like to allow yourself to contemplate it, to be there with it, and begin to wash the window pane. Take a sponge, soap and wipe the window clean until you cannot tell anymore that there is a window between you and this dream, this desire. Maybe you will want to spend more time looking at it, allowing yourself to want, to dream, to imagine, engage all your senses. And maybe one day, when you no longer want to stay on the other side of this glass pane, maybe that day is today, you break the glass and step into the other side. 

A beautiful Kundalini Yoga Kriya to practice to align with your soul's calling and mission is the “Soul Body Kriya for Divinity” from Waves of Healing by Siri Atma Khalsa. Sat Kriya is another good tool to strengthen the root chakra and the navel center.

Music to inspire you during your practice The Waters by Ajeet Kaur, available here


Thank you Kirsten Haley from saulthaus from this visualization


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