A Yogini's Dream

A Yogini's Dream

One of my mentors asked me last week why I do what I do. What legacy do I want to leave behind?

I had to dig deep and what I found was this:

I believe that to bring peace to the world, we must start with healing ourselves. To heal the pain out there, we must heal the pain inside.

To soothe the hunger and the anger we witness on the outside, we must look within and listen to the voices of our ancestry. Our healing is a life-long journey. We cannot escape it and the more we run away, the more uncomfortable we feel. 

Every time we dive into the darkest places of our psyche, we emerge radiant and more whole.  

I believe that we are born into a story that is already being told and has been told over many generations. I believe we have to untangle the threads that keep us bound to this story and allow our wounds to become our greatest teachers.  

I believe that if we don't do this work, we act and live from our unconscious self and do not experience the joy that is our birthright and the magic of being alive. 

The more of us do this work, the better we feel and the more peace and healing we can share with others. 

For many of you reading this, Kundalini Yoga has provided a powerful way to unravel these threads and to heal. There are many paths, all sacred and important. There is no one way. I bow and honor all lineages. 

It is for you brave seekers that I have created Sage Moon, to offer items that inspire you to go further in this journey, that give you the radiance, grace and courage to dig deeper, so that you can shine more light for yourself and others.

By healing yourself, you are healing the world. 

Keep going! I'm cheering for you. 


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